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Construction Committee 091307
Library Construction Committee
Town Hall

Present:  John Christiansen, Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Brent Gates, Joel Lindsay, Roland Ochsenbein, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson, Bill Strapko.

Guest: Michelle Tuck

A quorum being present, Roland called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.

Minutes from meetings on 9/5/07 and 9/10/07 were distributed for review.  On a motion from Mickie (second: Pam; unanimous in favor) the minutes were approved as written.

The Committee has received an invoice for $5,000 for services from Daedalus.  On a motion from Bill (second: Pam; unanimous in favor), the committee voted to approve payment.

Roland stated our goal for this meeting: to name first and second choices for Architect, with reference checks to follow.

Brent shared slides of the libraries he has visited.  Mickie brought photos of the libraries she toured.  

The group discussed each interview in the order that they were held (Beacon, Durland Van Voorhis, Lerner Ladds + Bartels, J. Stewart Roberts Associates, Tappe’).

Committee members ranked each of the finalists from 1 (highest) to 5 (lowest).  Roland tabulated the scores and averages as follows:

Brent motioned to accept the first and second rankings, and to proceed with reference checks on them (second: Mickie; unanimous in favor).  Kelly will talk with library directors, and Daedalus will contact the rest.

Our next meeting will be at Town Hall on September 20, 2007, with Anne Larsen from the Mass. Board of Library Commissioners.  Also at that meeting we hope to vote on a final recommendation, which will be taken to the Boards of Library Trustees and Selectmen on September 27.

Roland noted that Richard Marks suggested that the Public Safety Task Force and our committee meet soon.  

There being no other business, Roland adjourned the meeting at 9:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library